I just celebrated 21 years with my sexy wife, but I'm always a sucker to click on articles like this.
How about this, "Hi, my name's [fill in blank]. [Banter for 2 minutes]. You want to get a coffee some time?" If she says "No" or "I have a boyfriend" then move on with your life.
If she feels a chemistry and she is interested in dating, she'll say yes. If not, then all you'll have wasted is 2 minutes and 10 seconds of your life.
Spending a bunch of time on someone who has said "no" is IMHO a waste of time. Don't get me wrong, it took me a while to get to that epiphany, but I passed it on to our son, and his dating life is/was light years better than mine was in the early days.
Just because a woman is "sexy" doesn't mean you'll want to have sex with her**, and most definitely doesn't mean the sex will be really good, with the caveat that no sex is really "bad" (but that is different topic).
** The exception is if you have kept the mentality of a teenage boy whose idea of "sexy" is almost entirely based on physical attributes, you have no desire for any kind of relationship, and your entire goal is to get inside her and orgasm in the shortest time possible, and then get back to your Nintendo in the shortest time possible.