I have no idea who Eric Zuesse is, nor am I going to go look him up.
The evidence I presented is public record: Nuland audio recording, her list of candidates who all ended up in the positions she wanted; Hunter Biden’s job; Joe Biden 2018 video; US leverage on aid; US meddling in 2004, US meddling in 2014.
I add Adam Schiff’s video statement about “Ukraine fighting Russians over there so we don’t have to fight them over here.” John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Amy Klobuchar in 2016 meeting with Urkainian army declaring “2017 is the year of offense” (against ethnic Russians in the Donbas)
That is not “conspiracy theory.” Those are all from western media. I see your claim of “conspiracy theory” as a clear dodge because you can’t refute the facts I list.
Last point I’ll make is that your statement, “Countries don’t use hard power any more. If not territorial aggression in 2014, Ukraine indeed could drift further in Russian direction by now.” is risible. What do you call Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Uganda, Yemen, Honduras, Venezuela (all in the 21st century), “soft power?” FFS the US has 800+ “official” military bases around the world and active operations in about 2/3s of all countries on the planet. Those soldiers aren’t selling Big Macs and Cokes.
I’m done. Bye now.