I did not twist your words. In the original comment above I point out things I’ve been reading about the war that are going to happen in the “near future” that haven’t happened yet. I believe that is entirely relevant to how one looks at what will happen “in the near future” in Bakhmut.
I read some of Tom Cooper, but usually just skim as his posts are very polemic and I don’t have time to read 10–12 minute “summaries” as often as he posts, even if I enjoy reading from someone else in Austria (where I am). I like to read / watch from a variety of sources and then make up my own mind.
For Western perspective overviews I often look at:
https://liveuamap.com/ — this is the military news straight from the Ukrainian General Staff of the Armed forces
https://militaryland.net/ — not sure who runs this, but from the grammar and pronoun choices it is clearly not native English speakers that on on the side of Ukraine against Russia.