I definitely would have said something to the woman who looked at me. If you don't want your conversation overheard, don't speak out loud in public.
Boring is partly in the eye of the beholder. Taking risks is fun, but wisdom is also nice. Driving 140 mph on a public highway, climbing up things you shouldn't, drinking way too much and trying to dance are all non-boring. They can also go horribly wrong and leave you dead/seriously injured, arrested or at worst, publicly embarassed. I dodged those first two bullets enough times to say, "You know, I don't need to spin the barrel on that revolver one more time. I'm old enough to have seen 'The Deer Hunter.' I know how the movie ends."
There are still lots of ways to not be boring over 50. Curiosity definitely helps.
I think what helps most in not being boring is not thinking about my age per se and what I shouldn't be doing "at my age," and just doing things I like to do that are legal. There are plenty of them, more than I can fit in any day. Which leads to always being busy, which is by definition not boring.