I came into this article with a chip on my shoulder, and left pleasantly surprised. I've done a lot of research on marriage and relationships to understand my own path in life.
No one outside of a marriage knows what it is like inside that marriage. And if you asked the two partners you'd get different answers, even if they were both being completely honest.
Partnerships - romantic or business - take work. Some people develop with time. Some don't. Some people actively resist development. Some people's desires change with time. Some don't. This can be good or bad or neutral. It depends.
Keeping expectations for the partnership aligned over years, often decades, takes work. Some underestimate this work. Some think alignment should happen naturally because then it was "meant to be." Yeah, meant to be ended in divorce.
In any case there are (usually) two people involved. No breakup is completely one side's fault. Even in the case of my evil bitch ex-wife.