I also think there is a lot to like about America. Except for me, my entire family lives there, and I have very many friends there. I’m waiting to go visit my ailing mother as soon as Corona makes it feasible.
I’ve traveled more than a little in my life, and had the good fortune to spend days and weeks (sometimes years) in other countries of the Western Wolrd than my adopted Austria. So I’m gonna push back hard on your statement that “a large portion of the country s [sic] regressing towards Fascism” (etc.) The US has about the same portion of authoritarian leaning people as most any country I know — and I’ll note I’ve done a lot of research on the roots of Nazism and Hitler who was born and raised here in Austria.
That authoritarian leaning group in any country is about 25%. Note that when the Nazis democratically came to power they only had about 30% support of voters. Guess what percentage of voters — a much smaller than eligible voters — support Trump? Spoiler alert! About 30%. If that is what you meant by “a large portion” then please accept my apology for my foaming at the mouth response!
The problems in early 1930s Germany are the same as in early 2020s US, financial desperation. Desperate people do desperate things. Like believe they can storm the US capital. Like believe a con man, either with a bad combover or a toothbrush mustache, that he alone can save them and return the country to its former glory.
I have almost no illusions that Biden will greatly improve the situation. He did VERY VERY pleasantly surprise me with his step to halt the Yemen genocide. That is friggin’ awesome. But his backtracking on his clear promise (plenty of quotes to choose from) of $2000 checks immediately afte the election to $1400 sometime in maybe March or April is an immediate stumble.