Hey, Barry! How about that elephant in the room, Powell's lying to the UN about Iraq? Not going to mention that?
Maybe you're hoping that by trying to rehabilitate Powell you'll set the precedent for when you die. I'd guess when people note that you executed Americans with out arrest or trial, and didn't put any Wall Street bankers on trial after the 2008 crash that they caused through fraud and other illegal activities, you'll want some other public figure to say what a great step forward it was for you to be elected the first black president.
It's true, it was a great thing you being elected. That is why I voted for you. I had very high hopes for you. It is all true that you removed Habeas Corpus, executed Americans without due process, joked about your kill list Tuesdays, allowed Hillary Clinton to turn Libya into a failed state with open slave markets, created a massive humanitarian crisis with your covert dirty war against Syria, etc. etc. On reflection, you might want to line up quite a few people to write about you after you die.