Have you taken a crack at going to a nude beach?
The Dutch have had (sadly this is changing) an incredible secret method of maintaining privacy in their tightly packed country. At the risk of not being allowed back into the Netherlands, I'll share this secret: "Don't look."
That hairy ass? Don't look.
The breasts with nipples tickling the thighs of their owner? Don't look.
I started going to nude beaches already in my 20s. I learned in less than 3 minutes that I really don't want to see 90% of people naked. So I stopped looking. And I stopped caring.
Thongs are like gay marriage. No one is forcing you to get gay married or wear a thong. If you don’t like it, don’t do it. Don’t force your opinion on others.
Everyone lucky enough not to die young is going to be wrinkly and saggy. Being a human being is a beautiful thing. Old or young. With tight skin or saggy.