Great piece. I would add, The Advice Ignores Time Restraints. I’ve been and am very fortunate. I’m in a stable longterm relationship. My income allows my partner to work only part-time. We have the one kitchen gadget required to make almond milk (a blender). All that being said, what is necessary for almond milk (and most things gurus say we need to do to better ourselves) is time. Time to research which nuts are better for our particular diet and lifestyle and the environment. Time to find where to buy cheap (bulk) cashews. Travel time buy them (i.e. if you have no car and live in a food desert, bulk cashews are not going to be on your grocery list). Time to learn to make and store cashew milk.
A single parent working even one job (let alone two) often doesn’t have much time for researching how to better themselves, as much as they might schedule and plan for efficiency. That is just reality.