Good on you to respond. I think that shows real character.
You started in this comment with "being in his [Epstein's] company." Then you say this is, "not a good look." Then you get to the quote I highlighted above. All of these are subjective terms.
Example: There was a guy who was friends with friends of mine in high school. I let him ride once in my car, and he threw some books of mine out the window. If I had the same attitude now that I had then, I would have immediately punched him in the face. As it was, I never had anything more to do with him. He was (IMO) a real asshole, taking drugs (not just my opinion) and I don't know what else. Was I "in his company?" More than once. Was I "involved" with him? In a couple of different senses, yes. I figured out pretty quick, but not on first sight, that he was a dick, and from then on I had nothing to do with him. To someone who didn't really know either of us, how would our "relationship" look?
But wait, it gets "better"... turns out this guy has a little sister. She is now my sister in law. He killed himself a long time ago now, but if he hadn't what casual observer would believe that I had nothing to do with him as I would have had to have been around him during family gatherings? I know this sounds made up, but truth can definitely be stranger than fiction.
Apropos killed himself. Anyone who went to Epstein's island, and that even includes Stephen Hawking (one of my heroes) is "guilty until proven innocent" in my book. Anyone who flew with Epstein after his 2008 (IIRC) conviction is in that same "guilty" column in my ledger book. Everyone else is "innocent until proven guilty."
I could go on with a lot more examples I've had in 30+ years of owning and running an international business.
I am 100% sure that there are people with significant power in play regarding Epstein. Multiple of other people have died under suspicious circumstances. The people involved are hardcore criminals and I'm sure include members of our government.