Good on you! People say things like, "I got the belt as a kid and I turned out fine." No, you didn't. You were abused as a child and are now turning into an abuser.
I don't believe Trump is the next Hitler, but your mileage may vary. Trump has the oration skills of Hitler, but not the childhood trauma of being very poor and rejected by society. Hitler famously was rejected by art school in Vienna and lived in poverty before WWI. Trump doesn't have the drive that being poor can give you. I believe Hitler was gifted and intelligent enough to write his book, as horrendous as it was. Trump...not so much.
All that being said, Trump is also not too bright and quite lazy. Lazy enough to allow truly evil people like Mike Pompeo and John Bolton into his inner circle where they can stroke Trump's ego and do immense damage, if not create a fascist dictatorship.
I'm just happy Tom Cotton is uncharismatic and an uninspiring public speaker.