Golf is the Closest Sport to Real Life
You get bad bounces and good bounces. Sometimes the wind blows in the middle of your shot. Sometimes your ball lands in a divot. You have to play the ball where it lies. Why am I writing about golf instead of process?
You cannot control anything outside of you. If you have a good process, and follow your process, you’ve done the best you can. For example: You can’t control how good your compeitition writes their proposal. You can only control how good your proposal is. The more you have a process and refine your process the best chance you give yourself.
If you ask a professsional golfer how long their pre-shot routine is, they know the answer off the top of their head down to the second. Amateurs will change their pre-shot process based upon how they feel that day, the weather, their competitors, etc.
Professionals know that having and honing processes will produce, over time, the best results.