Glad I’m mistaken. The problem is that nowhere in your long and interesting post do you state that atomics should not be used, ever.
You DO say:
When the sun rose the next morning, nearly 16 square miles of the heart of Tokyo had been incinerated. By comparison, the area of total devastation of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were 4 square miles and 1.5 square miles respectively.
That framing very clearly states there is less damage from nuclear weapons than from fire bombing.
The title of your post is:
America’s Greatest War Crime Was Not The Use Of Atomic Bombs
Right at the start of your article you say:
In war, it is normal for all sides commit war crimes.
Summarizing your logic:
- Every side commits war crimes during war
- Dropping nuclear bombs is a lesser war crime than firebombing
It is extremely rational and reasonable to conclude that your opinion is that we should have dropped nuclear bombs instead of firebombing.