From what I've seen in the last 40 years of voting, on everything except social issues there are only tiny degrees of difference between Republicans and Democrats.
A D candidate might be a bit better on "Issue A" while the R candidate might be a bit better on "Issue B." Which issues are more important is a very personal and subjective call. On the really important (IMO) subjects like war, taxes and citizen protections (i.e. "regulations") there is virtually no difference between the parties.
Mostly it seems like Pro Wrestling. The Ds and Rs pretend to fight each other, while 95% for show. The Rs say they are going to do something terrible, and the Ds pretend they can do nothing to stop them while wringing their hands at this horrible thing the Rs are going to do. When the Ds get back into power, they NEVER undo the horrible thing the Rs did.
It would be very simple to avoid a DeSantis presidency: Biden should do a few things for the US working class (which is everyone except those who live off of investments):
- A public option
- Raise the minimum wage
- Student loan forgiveness
I could write this list for hours. Really pushing on 3 or 4 and getting 1 or 2 would assure Biden a second term.
They had to invent term limits after FDR because he did so much for working class Americans. The next 30 years were the best economic years in American history. GINI coefficient was the lowest. Wealth inequality got LOWER.
No one is stopping Joe Biden from doing this except Joe Biden. Stop fearing DeSantis and start pushing Biden. His future is in his own hands.