European civilians are pretty much like civilians everywhere else. They just want to get by and make a better life for themselves. The same percentage of Europeans are psychopaths as in Sri Lanka, about 2%. About the same amount of Europeans go into politics to screw over their constituents as in any other country.
I've traveled all over Europe and lived in multiple countries. I did the same in the US. I can't speak to Asia or Africa because I don't have that same experience, but I do know people (some quite well) from those regions.
Most people, including Americans and I would suspect even Israelis are not blood-thirsty baby-killers at birth (I know I wasn't as an American). However, being subjected to 24/7 propaganda WILL change how you see the rest of the world.
Before you say, "I said don't say, 'not all Europeans" what do you suggest, that all Europeans kill themselves because their forefathers colonized the world? Really? Should all the Africans whose ancestors sold their countrymen to slavers also off themselves? How about the South Americans whose ancestors colaborated with the colonizers? The same question for India, Pakistan, and oh, yeah, Sri Lanka.