Either you are the fastest typist in the world, or you just cut and paste huge amounts of text onto 1-2 paragraphs of an original comment.
Bottom up? Bullshit, Lester.
Victoria Nuland was on video handing out sandwiches on Maidan Square in 2014, telling protestors that the US supported ousting the democratically elected government. Can you imagine if top-level Russian diplomats were in Ottowa during the trucker protest, handing out sandwiches and saying that the truckers should go beyond protesting vaccine mandates and overthrow the Canadian government? Would that be "bottom-up?" Of course fucking not.
The US NED was funding multiple groups in Ukraine prior to the US-backed coup in 2014. That is an open breach of international law. Unfortunately, the US does it so often and so openly that no one really appears to care.
Bottom-up revolution? The fuck it was.