Earlier this year we were in a little mountain village in Austria escaping the Vienna summer heat. An old man invited us in to see a tiny museum (3 rooms) in what used to be the elementary school. The school closed because there aren't enough kids.
The town let him use the rooms to preserve the history of the village, which was all about logging. Thus my comment.
The old man showed us tools, utensils, photos, books, even some stuffed animals (our husky was VERY wary of the bear!). Everything was labeled with dates going back a few hundred years.
During the tour the old man told us stories about the town and its history. Thinking back he described 3 or 4 deaths due to logging accidents during his lifetime. Considering this is a village numbered in the hundreds, and the loggers would be less than half the population, and this is one guy just telling stories, that is a number of deaths that easily fits with the statistics you list.
Unironically, after the tour my wife and I were discussing the deaths and trying to guess-timate how many injuries there must also have been.