Dude, I’d say you’re embarrassing yourself continuing to mix up standard deviation and order of magnitude, but since you’ve just stated that you’re a drooling idiot, I’ll help a brother out:
Average IQ = 100. Look up the bell curve of IQs. One standard deviation puts 68% of all IQs between 85 and 115. Two standard deviations puts 95% all IQs between 70 and130.
An order of magnitude is a logarithmic approximation of a value, using base 10. So an order of magnitude higher than average IQ = 1000, and an order of magnitude lower than average IQ = 10.
So for those in the back, a standard deviation away from average IQ is nowhere fucking close to an order of magnitude difference from an average IQ.
I’ve got more bad news for you sunshine. As long as you are part of a society, you’ll be expected to pay taxes on gains of your assets in that society. Why? Because your gains are due to that society. If you think you get to not pay taxes on gains made due to the society that you are part of, then you’re just saying you want to be a parasitic asswipe like the new aristocrats (billionaires) and the aristocrats of the old monarchies.
I own stocks too. And bonds. And real estate. I’ve made money on each type of asset. Why? Because the society each of those assets are a part of grew in value. How can I realize that added value? By selling those assets and getting the money (i.e. realizing a capital gain). Each part of all the steps above, buying, selling, getting the difference in value is supported by laws of society created by the legislative branch, accepted adjudication of those laws by the parties involved by the judicial branc, and enforcement of those laws by the executive branch. You pay taxes on those capital gains because the maintenance of those three branches of government aren’t fucking free, and to expect that you get to sell your assets at a profit using those parts of society without paying for them say you expect to be able to be a greedy, parasitic asshole and everyone else should pay for what you are benefiting from.
I don’t like paying taxes. You know what I like less? Having someone steal my assets without recourse. If you sell your asset for $100k and the seller only gives you $90k, you’d take his ass to court. You think those laws, judges, and tax agents who help you get your $10k are going to do it out of the kindness of their hearts?
FFS I get so fucking sick of entitled libertarian bullshit crybabies who say “taxes are stealing!” Really? Then give up your fucking citizenship. Taxes are part of the cost of having a society. The $US dollars in your account are a lien against the government of the US. You want to trade in US dollars in US markets and have the US government stand behind your currency? Well then you gotta pony up some taxes when you make money on the basis of that society. No free lunch, sunshine.
Yeah, it was really fucking easy to prove you wrong. Bye now.