Did you miss the cold war? Did you miss the 1990s? The US has been against Russia since the revolution in 1917. We friggin' invaded them to put BACK the Tsars.
There are many very high ranking US officials who are calling for Russia to be broken up, and have been since it became clear Putin was not going to allow the continued financial plundering of Russia by the west.
It doesn't matter what you or I think about the West. It is important what Russia thinks. It is a pretty hard sell to Russia to say that NATO - created to balance the USSR - is no threat when NATO kept expanding AFTER the USSR ceased to exist. There is NO way to frame a hostile - by definition - military alliance moving closer to you borders as not aggressive. That is aggressive.
Only one aggressor in Europe? Which country has maintained 70-100k troops for the last 70 years in Western Europe? That'd be us. You can say it is protection. For many it is seen as occupation.
The European people were not afraid of Russia before the Ukraine invasion. Russia is crony capitalist just like the west now. The EU was their biggest customer. It is ridiculous on its face to claim that Russia wanted to invade and destroy the countries that were making Russia rich. Why would they? There is no fucking motive.
Russia did not invade Georgia. It was attacked by Georgia. Compared to the US, Russia is peaceful. That is a mathematical fact. Soldiers abroad. Countries invaded. Countries couped. Military leaders executed (Soleimani, for a VERY recent example). Military bases abroad. It is not even close, John.