Did you just forget the coup enabled by armed Nazis that overthrew the democraticallly elected Ukrainian government in 2014?
Did you just forget that Crimea VOTED to leave Ukraine and join Russia?
Did you just forget that the OSCE (a western group based in Vienna, Austria) has said that 80% of the 15,000 people killed in the Donbas from 2014-2022 were killed by the Ukrainian government and NOT by Donbas separatists?
Did you just forget that Ukraine amassed 60,000 soldiers on the border to the Donbas in February of this year, and restarted massive shelling just prior to the Russian invasion?
This history doesn't justify Russia's invasion this year. Leaving out key facts that put Russia's invasion in context doesn't make your case more sympathetic.
This war has been a long time coming. That doesn't make Russia the "good guy" in this fight. So far the only good guys I've seen are the average Ukrainians who are not in politics or powerful, just trying to live their lives. They are being used by the US/NATO, Ukrainian leaders AND Putin to further the aims of these three powerful groups.