Correct. A bear is a wild animal with five times the strength of a man, claws that can rip your innards out with a casual swipe, and a maul that can kill you with a single bite.
Being wild animals of another species, a bear can be set off by something we as humans would think is completely non threatening, and that bear can kill or seriously maim you without even thinking about it. If they are thinking about it, you're pretty much dead.
It is true that there are plenty of bad men out there. Percentage wise, the average bear is multiple orders of magnitude more dangerous than the average man.
You can argue about mansplaining with a man. You can't argue with a bear. You have a chance against a man. You have no chance against a bear. That is my point.
IMO comparing the danger of an average man as higher than that for an average bear is misandry. IMO it is at the same level of men who say ALL women are gold diggers, just because a few women ARE gold diggers.