Caryn Johnson (aka Whoopi Goldberg) is just another rich person thinking that because they've been famous a long time they must be wiser than they really are.
She has impressed me multiple times over the years on The View with how ignorant she is about things she opines on. This last outburst from her fits her past pattern.
For Whoopi Goldberg, racism IS just about black and white. But it sure as fuck wasn't that way to the Nazis implementing their final solution. If you're going to opine on the meaning of the Holocaust, you might want to look at it from stated point of view of the perpetrators to avoid looking like an insenstive ignoramous.
This latest idoitic statement frrom Whoopi Goldberg doesn't make her an antisemite or even a bad person.
It could have been a teachable moment where people on The View actually talked about historic racism from the view of the Nazis and how that compares to historic racism in the US. But this is The fucking View we're talking about here, so cue the outrage and ban Whoopi for a couple of weeks.