Came for the title, stayed for the sarcasm.
I've been vegan for going on 6 years, but I'm also VERY aware of my privilege in being able to live this way. I live in a large metropolitan city that is very plant-based friendly. It is easy to be vegan in my neighborhood. I have probably 10 stores where I can get fresh produce within a 5 minute walk.
One tip regarding cooking: The internet. There are so many vegan recipes on-line. It is really easy and free (except for the ads I let run so the creators earn something!) to find pretty much whatever you're looking for.
Regarding privilege, I wish people like Joe Rogan would be as up front about their privilege as you are. Yes Joe, Elk meat tastes great and you go bow hunting and eat what you kill. My brother in law does the same with deer. He makes sausage that my sister's family eats the whole winter. But that kind of meat eating is available to probably less than 0.5% of the population. But "average Joe" Rogan makes meat eating cool.
I am not gluten intolerant, so I prefer Seitan with twice the protein of sirloin and ZERO cholesterol. My cholesterol dropped from 220 to 138 after going vegan. That is for me reason enough to eat plant-based, but energy, recovery after sport, and yeah, being "regular" taking a dump are really nice bonuses. Especially the first two bonuses, as I train now 5-6 days a week and I'm over 50 so energy and recovery are issues like they weren't when I was 20.