Buttigieg is the ne plus ultra of suck-ups. He is the “Eddie Haskell” of current politics. The reference actually predates me, but I saw reruns as a kid.
Buttigieg acts like what the Boomers in charge want a young person to be. Smart, well educated, well spoken — and first and foremost appreciative of of the status quo. Buttigieg’s basic message is simply a huge suck-up to the Boomers in charge: The Boomers in charge did a pretty good job the last 30–40 years. Yes, we need some tweaks here and there, but no “political revolution!” The fact that he is such a patently obvious suck-up is what so many of us find revolting.
In the background, ratty Pete is blatantly lying about his black support — twice(!) — and anything else on his very short resume that doesn’t look good. That list of “not good” is pretty long considering how short Pete’s resume is.