...but not when she recorded "Crazy for You" for my favorite coming of age movie, "Vision Quest."
Matthew Modine in 2017 on the subject of the song:
LOL. I just looked up "Vision Quest" on IMDB in German. There the title is: "Crazy for you - Liebe auf der Ringermatte" ("Crazy for you - Love on the wrestling mat"). Which confirms what Modine said 5+ years ago.
Another factoid that I love about this film is the role of Kuch and the actor (Michael Schoeffling) who played the role. Kuch is the best friend of Matthew Modine's character. No spoilers, but great acting in a great role.
Even more interesting for me is that Schoeffling quit acting after only about 7-8 years and some great roles because he hated Hollywood. Moved to Pennsylvania and started a career making hand carved wooden furniture.
For people who like Molly Ringwald films (as I do), Schoeffling was also in "Sixteen Candles."