Blink once for “yes,” twice for “no” Tony.
There are a LOT of wonderful American women. I almost married a couple of them (not at the same time). What drove me nuts back in the day was that even if my girlfriends were cool, they were constantly inundated from girlfriends and the media that men are inadequate. Popular media was/is filled with shows where the husband/father figure would walk headfirst into traffic if his wife/girlfriend wasn’t there to actually run the relationship.
My ex-pat story was part luck and part taking a huge risk to grasp the brass ring when it appeared.
I love South Park because it is exactly my sense of humor. Childish, stupid and irreverant. Years ago when I wore a beard for a while there was a South Park avatar creator program on the South Park website. You can still find versions of such a protram, but not nearly as good (IMO).