Billions "will" die of famine in the years after.
Estimates range around 10-100 large scale nuclear explosions are enough to create a nuclear winter. There are currently 13,000-14,000+ nuclear weapons on earth, with 6,000-7,000 in Russia alone.
Best case math (100/6000) says Russia only needs 1.67% of its nuclear arsenal to detonate to end life on earth. Ergo: if nuclear war happens, we will all die.
If you're lucky, you'll go in the first blast: 700-800 million. The next several hundred million will die of radiation poisoning over the next couple of weeks. Those left alive fight for food and starve until about 10 years later when sunlight returns enough for decent crop yields.
By that time, about 90% of life on earth will have died. Some estimates are higher.
And that is if only 1.67% of Russia's missiles land. Doesn't count any other nuclear armed countries.
Humans will survive. But not our civilization.
Those sobering statistics are why I say negotiate now with Russia to deescalate.