Azov is not only in the Donbas. That is where they started.
Azov filmed themselves in Bucha and around Kyiv, and posted it themselves in social media. Two separate clips I’ve seen, both documenting war crimes. One where they execute Russian POWs — with their hands bound behind their backs with white cloth — just like the fresh (not the old) victims in Bucha. The other where off camera someone asks if he can shoot people without blue armbands and is told, “if he can” followed soon by someone yelling “don’t kill” followe by gunshots.
Why would Azov post these films of clear war crimes? Nazis gonna be Nazis.
I don’t “seem to remember” I DO remember that when Bucha was liberated, the mayor specifically DIDN’T mention executions (as I noted in my last comment).
In the western media the pattern is just like in Syria: Claim a war crime by Syria/Russia, don’t wait for an investigation, condemn vociferously, move on to the next news piece.
I’m definitely not saying Russia (or Syria) didn’t commit war crimes. I’d be surprised if they didn’t. But the repeated pattern of false flags and/or faked war crimes by the west makes me very skeptical of every new claim. So far I’ve seen no conclusive evidence — video or forensic — of Russian war crimes in Ukraine.
Whether the entire invasion is a war crime is something I don’t feel expert enough to judge.