As we say in German, "Wie man in den Wald hinein ruft, so schallt es heraus" roughly translated, "How your treat others is how you'll be treated."
If someone is an honest debate partner, I will debate at that level with them, even if we vehemently disagree. A few weeks ago I had a long debate with @Inna Kirichenko. We disagree on most everything regarding Ukraine, but she is an honest debate partner. The debate was very interesting and I learned something.
I'm not a journalist. So far I have very consciously NOT posted articles and almost only make comments because I know my personality. My day job is very time consuming and I want to keep writing to a hobby for now.
My point is that I don't have any journalistic standards to uphold. I'm a much more Matt Taibbi level of discourse than Glenn Greenwald, and I'm probably disparaging Taibbi by comparison.
I have an ego, too. I don't have to turn the other cheek and "be the bigger man." I especially fucking hate when people make shit up about my motives and call me a liar when I'm clelarly not. It's a tick as a result of childhood trauma.
Dylan is a name-calling douchebag dickwad. A pompous, dick-waving blowhard who believes that claiming expertise gives you veto power over other people's opinions on social media. I suspect Dylan is also one of those people who thinks he's very smart but is not.
Yesterday Dyloser pushed my buttons and I'd had enough. It felt good to mock him and it feels good to ignore him now. I've done that numerous times with other assholes over the decades, and it has worked out well for me.