As I've written many times, I'm not a big fan of South East Texas - except for business and music. The music styles in Houston, Beaumont and Austin were and probably still are distinct and awesome. The radio stations of the 80s and 90s when I lived there reflected that.
When I was in high school in the 80s the rivalries between radio stations was great. KLOL had its own "Rock N' Roll Army" and you could get your own laminated card to show your loyalty (pretty sure I still have mine).
IMO one of the reasons the US is so polarized is because it is possible now with Spotify and the Interwebs to have your music, your news and most of your social contact segregated to people who think just like you.
When you have to listen to other music and other points of view you'll find more common ground. You might just find you like [fill in the blank of the music style you were sure you would hate]. The same goes for political opinions.
I feel sorry for kids today who are already being "siloed" at an early age. They are missing out on so much of the world.