As an old GenXer, I went to high school when we read The Diary of Anne Frank and watched All Quiet on the Western Front. Some harsh fucking history and graphic fucking scenes for teenagers. Guess what? War is fucking hell. Innocent people die. Good people get killed in horrible ways. Reading about those realities is the fucking point.
I haven't lived in the US in decades, so I can't judge if the US is becoming more anti-Semitic at the local level. Maybe it is a backlash as every US administration turns a blind eye to the blatant Israeli apartheid and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians?
A girlfriend gave me a copy of Maus in the early 80s. I probably read it in between watching actual music videos back when MTV still had music videos. Great book. Tough book. That was the fucking point. I remember the story of Maus and how it hit me. I don't remember cartoon mouse tits.
It is 2022. I could search the internet and find snuff videos in minutes. I could probably find bestiality scat videos in seconds. I'm sure a teenage version of me in 2022 could find them twice as fast. Cartoon mouse tits are clearly NOT the issue here.