As an American born in the 60s I got a full dose of anti-Soviet propaganda before the USSR dissolved. My wife grew up in Czechoslovakia and got a full dose of anti-US propaganda. Props to the Czechs for giving their kids military training to stop the Ami hord when we swarmed Bohemia. We just learned to sing “Duck and Cover” (and Bohemian Rhapsody) and watched Red Dawn.
The propaganda my wife and I were subjected to were practically mirrors. Unironically, the empire that did the vast majority of invading and overthrowing is the one that is still around. In Czechoslovakia the change after the Velvet Revolution was basically a Who song: Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. For those of us who have seen this, we won’t get fooled again. Fortunately, as Caitlin continues to point out, a lot of other people won’t get fooled again either.