Are you mental? The title of the article is “Web3 is not Decentralisation — it’s a Ploy to put Crypto Bros in Charge.” He is most definitely conflating blockchain technology with crypto. They are not the same.
I’m “crypto-curious” but don’t own any cryptocurrency. I’ve only recently taken some time to understand the technology. So I have no financial skin in the game. I’m just calling out OP’s fearmongering of “Cypto Bros” (his term) with blockchain technology, which is basically peer-to-peer (P2P) decentralization of transaction ledgers and nothing more.
Shawn Fanning created Naptser as the first (or one of the first) P2P sharing network. Napster didn’t make any money in Napster’s first iteration (that was shut down for IMHO legitimate reasons). The point is, P2P transactions are not synonymous with crypto. They don’t have to have anything to do with crypto technically. Crypto uses them because they are decentralized and virtually unhackable.