AKA "Mr. Crabs" (Spongebob)
AKA "The Kurgan" (Highlander)
I loved "The Shawshank Redemption" every time I've seen it. You make as usual a great review without spoilers. Kudos to your talents.
I saw this film soon after it came out. It was not a "Wow. I have to see this 10 times" film for me, but obviously it was (and is IMO) great and moving cinema.
I saw "Highlander" in the theater with friends in 86. I loved that film IMMEDIATELY and thought "Wow. I have to see this 10 times." I was the only one of my friends who liked the film, but in 1986 I was not so self-confident to gainsay my friends in their belief the film was shit (I've changed).
I loved Clancey Brown in both films. Highly underrated supporting actor, IMO.