Ah, the classic. "Your analysis is so bad that it is not worth a detailed response." I'll translate that as, "JG Estiot has no good arguments against Jack's position, so he'll just discount Jack completely after replying for days." Sure, buddy.
Jack 1: JG Estiot 0
No one knows what Putin will do. Not you, not me, not "the experts." I'm just saying Ukraine is not worth risking the end of human civilization.
That used to be the default position. The US never risks war with a nuclear power, from Russia down to tiny North Korea. It is why we work so fucking hard to make sure countries like Iran don't get a nuclear bomb, and why countries like Iran - and the aforementioned North Korea - work (worked) so hard to get one.
Two months ago the average US citizen couldn't have found Ukraine on a map. Ukraine has no economic or strategic value to the average US citizen or business. Only a tiny sliver of the US cares about Ukraine. Only the weapons manufacturers, the politicians, think tanks, and the media firms that are funded by the MIC care. They drive the narrative that capitalist Russia is our enemy, Putin is the new Hitler, and Ukraine is worth the end of the world. I see through that bullshit narrative.
The war crime that is Putin's invasion will not stop until Ukraine sues for peace. They can't win on their own. The more the west pumps weapons into Ukraine, the worse it will get for the average Ukrainian. Using Ukrainians as cannon fodder to isolate Russia and drain them of money and resources is almost as bad as Putin's invasion.
The neo-Nazis we are funding and arming who survive will, like Al Quaeda and ISIS before them, will come back to haunt us. History is on my side.
Bye now.