According to Chris Hedges, who speaks Arabic and lived in and reported from and on the mid-East for seven years as the NYT Mid-East Correspondent, it is not that "humanity went wrong" it is Israeli indoctrination of their populace from infancy onwards.
That resonates with me as someone US-born in the mid-60s who moved abroad (and has stayed abroad) since the mid-90s. The "America is THE unique nation, the shining beacon on the hill, etc." propaganda drilled into your head 24/7 as a kid born long before the internet (more anon) or even cable TV is hard to overstate. That kind of indoctrination made it easy as a kid / young man to accept our wars.
I think the internet changed that, particularly for both Israel and the US (plus late-stage capitalism in the US). Things that took decades if ever to come out are now reported in hours and days. The old saying, "History books are written by the winners" doesn't apply so much when the news comes live 24/7 and unfiltered from the front lines.