A glimmer of good news in a years long horror story. Thanks for this.
I tried to explain to a young person not long ago what Assange is going through in terms someone just out of school could relate to. Imagine being mobbed by 80% of all the kids in school, 95% of your teachers and 99% of the your school’s administration. Then imagine those same numbers in every school in town and your state and country and most of the countries you know. You can’t change schools. Actually, you have to live in one room of the school where this mobbing goes on every single day. If you come out of that room there is a 99% chance you’ll be sent to prison for life. This is your life from age 11 to 18. After six years you were told you can’t even defend yourself on the internet anymore. You’re stuck in that room with no end in sight. That has been Julian Assange’s life since 2012. I got wide eyes from a young person who I suspect thinks I was exaggerating, when actually the opposite was true.