Trump and his father were and are racists. ago2h ago
The reaction to give a Nazi salute or not give a Nazi salute is hard-wired by the time you are in…I'm about Musk's age. I run a company for 30 years. I give presentations multiple times a year, and have on camera open discussions…7h ago7h ago
I didn't see you ask, "Are you happy?"There are many paths in life. Kids; no kids; marriage; single. There are also timing issues. Corporate career early, late, not at all…11h ago11h ago
...per year.Foreign buyers are making long term rental property investments. Local buyers are buying to live there. On average locals buy and sell when…12h ago12h ago
A flat tax is inherently regressive.Tax enough to keep the number of obscenely wealthy extremely small, and still not orders of magnitude wealthier than the middle class. As…1d ago1d ago
I repeat for the fourth time:"My question remains however: Even IF there are NK soldiers fighting in Russia, what would that change in the war?1d ago1d ago