1) "giving it a shot"? LOL You might want to pick a different metaphor when writing about masturbation
2) I followed your first link about masturbation being "as addictive as cocaine." The article is from 2004, based on testimony from US politicians known (at that time) to be conservative, and the article was far from conclusive. Do you not have something more recent and scientific than an article from "Wired?"
I'm all for sex education starting around puberty and including information that porn is not like real sex in the same way "Mission Impossible" is not like real life.
As to "no harm" I'm not at all sure that is true, and I'm definitely not of the opinion that what is "no harm" for me might be quite harmful for some other guy. I'm a healthy, happily married father with a great career and a happy social life. Good advice about masturbation for me wouldn't even apply to a much younger version of myself, let alone other guys.
I'm definitely not an expert on sex crimes and ways to reduce them. From my layman's perspective however, prostitution and pornography (in both cases with full consent of all parties), seems an harm-free way to reduce sexual tension that if repressed leads to problems for the individuals and possibly wider society. Again, I'm not an expert, so I might be wrong, but I will note that my wife also shares this opinion and actually partially convinced me.
Addiction to anything is bad. No argument there. I disagree with your premise that "moderation is a myth." The statements from "serious no-fap practitioners" remind me of statements from people who had a really hard time quitting smoking or drinking or drugs. They still have the addiction and know that they are not able to moderate their own behavior, and project that inability to moderate on everyone else.
If your goal/purpose is to help guys addicted to porn to just break the addiction, I'm with you. If your goal is to stop guys from masturbating because it will inexorably lead to masturbation/porn addiction, I respectfully disagree.